Women often complain that the man - whether he is a husband, brother or co-worker - does not listen to her well, and does not pay her the necessary attention when she talks to him.

Is there a clear reason that explains this phenomenon?

In fact, some scientific studies reveal some facts that show that a man's brain finds it difficult to deal with a woman's voice, and it may not easily understand what you want to say.

In this report, the American "brightside" website reviews some scientific details that may explain the man’s lack of the skill of listening to women.

When a man listens to a woman’s voice, the brain is forced to make more effort than hearing a man’s voice (Al-Jazeera)

A woman's voice makes a man's brain work harder

One study reveals that a man's brain reacts differently to a woman's voice.

When a man listens to a woman’s voice, the brain is forced to exert more effort than it does when hearing the voice of a man like him, and this means that men may find it more difficult to understand what women say.

Women's voices are less authoritarian

The size of the vocal cords and the strength of the larynx play an important role. A woman's voice is thin and sharp, and research indicates that this type of voice is not taken seriously, while we trust the person who speaks with a strong and low voice.

This is one of the reasons why men do not listen to women the same way they do.

When a woman speaks she often uses a lot more tones than men (Getty Images)

Women's voices are more complex

There are big differences between the voices of men and women.

When women speak, they often use a lot more tones than men, and tend to change their pitch constantly, so it is difficult for a man's brain to easily analyze what a woman wants to say.

Do women really talk more than men?

The site concludes that the common idea that women talk much more than men is not a scientific fact according to one of the studies, but rather that the rate is close between them.

The study has shown that men talk more than women in some circumstances.