The Japanese town of Kesennuma devastated by the tsunami on March 12, 2011 -


A fishing boat, which disappeared during the tsunami of March 2011, reappeared this Thursday off the island of Hachijo (Japan), in the Pacific Ocean.

At the time of its disappearance, the boat was near Kesennuma, about 650 km from its current location.

The interior of the 5.5 m long boat was covered with coral.

Observation of the latter shows that during the 9 years and 9 months that elapsed between the tidal wave and the reappearance of the boat, the latter drifted over long distances, reports

The Guardian


Fishing boat adrift for nearly 10 years after 2011 tsunami found off island south of Tokyo

- The Mainichi (Japan Daily News) (@themainichi) December 14, 2020

The boat identified by a fishing company

The boat would have crossed the Pacific Ocean until approaching the west coast of the United States, according to an expert.

The boat would then have found itself caught in the north equatorial current which moves from east to west, and would have reached South-East Asia.

He would then have been dragged north by the Kuroshio Current to eventually find himself close to his country of origin.

A fishermen's cooperative from Kesennuma confirmed that the fiberglass boat had belonged to its fleet.

Identification was made possible by the boat's registration number, still visible after 10 years.

The tsunami that occurred on March 11, 2011 in Japan killed more than 18,000 people and caused the explosion of the reactor at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.


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