US President Donald Trump does not stop talking about the conspiracies being hatched against him and the enemies who are working to topple him, and the matter reached its climax after the last presidential elections;

But is there a scientific explanation for Trump's continued feeling of injustice and his desire for revenge?

In a report published in the American newspaper "POLITICO", James Kimmel, a specialist in psychiatry and lecturer at Yale University School of Medicine, says that the human brain that feels injustice is just like the brain of a drug addict, as a number of studies show that the feeling of injustice, whether it is Real or imagined, it stimulates the same nerve circuits as drugs.

The author explains that the drug addict's brain receives some signals, such as the places where he used to abuse these substances, or meet people who share the addiction, which causes a rise in dopamine in specific areas of the brain, specifically the nucleus accumbens and the dorsal striatum, and thus arousal occurs in anticipation of pleasure and comfort, That occurs after taking drugs.

And recent studies show, according to the author, that the signals that reach the brain as a result of feeling injustice, are quite similar to what happens to a drug addict.

Arousal causes the expectation of an enjoyable experience stimulated by the desire for revenge.

It is not necessary that revenge in this case be through physical violence, it may be a provocative word, speech or tweet.

The writer believes, that although these practical results are not definitive, they clearly indicate that the feeling of injustice and the desire for revenge, a type of addiction that is not very different from addiction to drugs or gambling.

This may help explain why some people are unable to give up the idea of ​​revenge even after a long period of injustice has passed, and why some people resort to violence.

Trump and Feeling Injustice Addiction

From this perspective, the writer believes that Trump's desire to take revenge on those he sees as unfairly treated him - including American voters - appears to be an uncontrollable state of compulsion.

The science of addiction provides another warning sign, as Trump's constant desire to take revenge on his opponents does not harm him alone.

It hurts the whole community, according to the writer.

Like drug addiction, revenge addiction appears to be spread from person to person.

Trump is working to spread his feelings to millions of people through his tweets, media statements and public meetings.

His desire for revenge may turn into a public demand that his supporters adopt, and this in turn may create a similar feeling among Trump's opponents and supporters.

The writer warns of the danger of what Trump is doing, as it is not related to a family member or addicted friend.

Rather, with a head of state.

The chance that Trump, and the entire American society of being “addicted” to injustice, will be very slim.

Political parties and pressure groups are deliberately inflaming feelings of injustice and stoking a spirit of revenge in order to obtain donations and guide voters.

In turn, the media and social networks, according to the author, promote content that inflames these feelings.

To attract viewers and users and increase ads and sales.

Does Trump need treatment?

The author stresses the need to spread awareness since the first years of schooling about the best ways to deal with feelings of injustice, harm or humiliation, and to prevent "addiction" of revenge.

The danger of this phenomenon is not only political.

It may even lead to widespread violence in society.

The addict in this case tends to provoke problems and conflicts with others;

Because he feels a kind of euphoria, but that quickly turns into attacks of anxiety and depression, threatening his personal and professional life.

For this reason, the writer believes that the case of Trump needs a careful look and some sympathy, and an attempt to understand the "addiction" he suffers from as a behavioral disorder that needs treatment like any "addict", not to overtly attack and criticize him;

Because that will feed his sense of injustice and his desire for revenge.