It was on 19 October that the police in Linköping made the first decision that there would be the possibility of using drones for criminal investigations in Skäggetorp and Ryd.

An opportunity they chose to expand to Berga from 2 November.

Then the police said that drones, or so-called UAS, could be used around the clock in public places in the specific areas.

The possibility for drone surveillance is only temporary and applies until 18 January in Skäggetorp and Ryd, and 31 January in Berga, respectively.

Twelve hours in the air

According to local police area chief Ann-Christine Rehnström, in November, one month after the decision was made, the police had flown a total of twelve hours in the districts.

Something that Rehnström thinks is because they are still learning to use the tool in their work.

- It is new and we are trying, says Ann-Christine Rehnström.

See in the video above how the police work with the drones in Linköping.