Albert Al Gore, former US Vice President, said that as President-elect Joe Biden is close to assuming power and entering the White House, the United States has an opportunity to regain its position as a world leader after 4 years of sitting in the back seat.

And he explained - in

an article published by the

American New York Times - that there are enormous challenges awaiting Biden, the most urgent of which is that he assumed the presidency amid the chaos caused by the catastrophic failure to respond to the outbreak of the Corona epidemic and the economic devastation that resulted from that.

Al Gore said: Although the Corona epidemic is now obscuring our field of vision, this is due to it being the most urgent crisis among the multiple crises facing the United States and the planet, including 40 years of economic stagnation suffered by middle-income families, and excessive inequality in income and wealth, Rising levels of poverty, appalling systemic racism, toxic partisanship, the imminent collapse of nuclear arms control agreements, the crisis that undermines the power of knowledge, reckless and unprincipled behavior by social media companies, and the most dangerous of all is the climate crisis.

The candidate for the 2000 presidential elections, who narrowly lost to his rival, George W. Bush, expressed optimism that the challenges he listed above are solvable despite their depth.

He also mentioned that Biden will assume the presidency at a time when humanity faces a choice of life or death, as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has warned of dire consequences - including floods and the exacerbation of drought among other disasters - if emissions of gases that cause global warming are not reduced by a percentage. 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, which reaches 100% by 2050.

Slowing down the harmful emissions that lead to the rapid rise in global temperature will require a united global effort, and the words of Al Gore.

He added: Biden can lead these efforts by strengthening the state’s commitment to reducing harmful emissions in accordance with the Paris Agreement, which is something the United States is preparing to do thanks to the work of many parties, including some cities, states, companies and investors in the country, who have continued to make progress in this field despite resistance from the administration President Donald Trump for that.

Al Gore pointed out that global investment in wind and solar energy is now three times greater than investment in energy from gas and coal, and that the International Energy Agency's forecast indicates that clean energy will account for 95% of the total new energy generation worldwide within 5 years. To come.

The agency recently called solar energy the "new king" in global energy markets, and considered it "the cheapest source of electricity in history."

Al Gore cited a quote by a former oil minister in Saudi Arabia 20 years ago, saying, "The stone age has ended, not because we were short of stones, and the oil age will end and it will not be because of a shortage of oil."

And a Democratic politician, who was Vice President Bill Clinton, commented that many investors around the world have reached the same conclusion and have begun to shift capital away from climate-destroying businesses and replace them with sustainable solutions.