Work together to prevent and control obesity among adolescents and children (talk about and pay attention to the healthy growth of adolescents and children ③)

  Not long ago, the "Implementation Plan for the Prevention and Control of Obesity in Children and Adolescents" was promulgated and attracted the attention of the whole society.

In this issue, we invite three experts and scholars to discuss how to better prevent and control overweight and obesity in children and adolescents.


  The prevention and control situation brooks no delay

  Ma Guansheng

  The 2017 China Child Obesity Report shows that in recent years, the obesity rate of children aged 0 to 7 in major cities is about 4.3%, and that of school-age children over 7 years of age is about 7.3%.

The rising rate of childhood obesity and the increasingly common phenomenon of "little fat piercing" remind us of the urgent need to prevent and control childhood obesity.

  Childhood obesity not only affects physical and mental health, reduces exercise and learning ability, but also increases the risk of obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other diseases in adulthood, and brings a huge burden to economic and social development.

Seizing the opportunity and taking action can not only curb the rapid development of obesity in adolescents and children, but also help prevent and control adult obesity and related chronic diseases.

  To scientifically formulate adolescent and child obesity prevention and control strategies, it is necessary to incorporate the enhancement of children's physical fitness into the whole process of school education, medical treatment and health management, and form a joint management pattern.

Schools should organize nutrition and health classes to ensure that students have time for sports activities in school; parents should lead by example and build a healthy lifestyle with their children; companies, media, and academic institutions should also actively participate in creating a supportive physical environment and society cultural environment.

  (The author is a professor and head of the Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Peking University School of Public Health)

  Prescription of the right medicine is the key

  Lu Yingli

  The occurrence of obesity in adolescents and children is affected by multiple factors of congenital and acquired, among which genetic factors account for 40%-70% of obesity, and the nutritional intake, dietary structure, and living habits in the early life are also important factors.

  At present, the dietary structure of adolescents and children has undergone profound changes. Excessive intake of high-calorie, high-fat foods and large amounts of sugar-sweetened beverages have caused calorie intake to exceed daily needs.

In terms of lifestyle, many young people are lack of exercise. Watching TV and playing mobile phones have replaced physical exercise and lowered the body's metabolic rate.

In addition, studies have shown that shorter sleep time also contributes to obesity.

  From the causes of obesity, we can see that behavioral and environmental factors are the focus of prevention and treatment.

At the school level, we can start with strengthening the physical exercises of teenagers and children, nutrition education and improving the quality of school meals.

At the parent level, encourage children to exercise more and reduce the time spent in front of the screen.

Regular physical examinations can detect overweight and obesity as early as possible so that effective interventions can be taken.

  (The author is the deputy dean and director of the Endocrinology and Metabolism Department of the Ninth Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine)

  Strengthen health management

  Xie Chaohui

  Overweight and obesity have become an important public health problem threatening the physical and mental health of young people.

For this reason, it is necessary to incorporate adolescent and child obesity into the whole life cycle health management and take targeted measures.

  Specifically, it is necessary to adhere to the prevention and treatment, implement the disease prevention and control strategies of early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment, and propose a personalized and comprehensive health management plan for adolescents and children.

In this process, it is the key to play the role of health management experts and form a benign interaction with the family, school, and society.

For example, a dietitian guides the diet and gives suggestions for improvement; a fitness coach guides exercise and provides exercise methods suitable for teenagers and children; a general practitioner is responsible for recording the data of the follow-up children and comparing the differences before and after, communicating with parents to help find Identify the causes of obesity, improve lifestyles, establish correct health concepts, etc.

  The ultimate goal of adolescent and child health management is to improve and promote the overall health of adolescents and children.

Only in the process of life, learning and growth of young people and children, strengthening the concept of health and healthy habits can we protect the future of the motherland's flowers.

  (The author is the deputy secretary-general and chief physician of the Chinese Health Management Doctoral Alliance)