The Constitutional Democratic Party wanted to put together a basic policy by the end of the year in anticipation of the next House of Representatives election, but it was difficult to gather opinions on whether to include the realization of "zero nuclear power", and it was delayed after the beginning of the year. ..

The Constitutional Democratic Party, which was formed in September after the former Constitutional Democratic Party and the former Democratic Party for the People joined, was considering basic policies in anticipation of the next House of Representatives election and wanted to put them together by the end of the year.

However, discussions within the party so far have raised pros and cons as to whether or not to include the realization of "zero nuclear power", and it has been difficult to gather opinions.

Regarding "zero nuclear power", the former Democratic Party for the People, who is relatively close to the private labor union, showed a cautious stance toward the former Constitutional Democratic Party, which insisted on early realization, and the discussions were prolonged.

It became clear that such disagreements persisted in the new party, and the party executives were planning to make careful adjustments, and the compilation of basic policies was delayed after the beginning of the year.