
Hamburg / Bremen (dpa) - There are not many women in shipping, and the industry could benefit from mixed crews.

That says shipbuilding engineer Claudia Ohlmeier, chairwoman of Wista in Germany, an international network of women in the seafaring industry.

Diversity should be a priority in the crews, says Ohlmeier.

"Women are said to care more about the group, about the team."

Everyone brings something individually.

"And that makes us a better team and enables us to do our work better."

According to the international shipping organization IMO, women make up 2.1 percent of ship crews worldwide.

For Germany, the Knappschaft Bahn-See has a female share of 6.3 percent in shipping.

As the first female cruise captain in Germany, Nicole Langosch was in command of the "AidaSol" from 2018 to 2020.

Carola Rackete is also well-known, as the captain of the "Sea Watch 3" rescued migrants from distress in the Mediterranean.


Working conditions on ships are difficult for women, says Ohlmeier.

There is “the unique selling point of often being the only woman on board”.

In shipping, too, more must be done to reconcile family and work.

According to Ohlmeier, this is not only a demand of women, but also of men.

She works in Hamburg for a classification society.

It ensures that the ships of its customer shipping companies meet the technical and legal requirements of the ports they call at.

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Association of German Shipowners to Women on Board