The government bears a large part of the responsibility for the tougher assessment of young adults with a disability.

That beats the report that the Swedish Social Insurance Agency presented today.

- Of course we have to take on the critical scrutiny, but it does not come from the fact that the basis is the legislation.

If you have very restrictive legislation, it will have these consequences, says Ardalan Shekarabi (S), Minister of Social Insurance.

Therefore, the law must be changed, he states.

And earlier this year, the government appointed an inquiry to review the legislation regarding activity compensation.

"New board for the Swedish Social Insurance Agency needed"

- We have an extreme situation and a very restrictive application.

A change in the law is now required and the Swedish Social Insurance Agency's governance must be developed, says Ardalan Shekarabi.

A step in that direction is a new board for the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, according to Shekarabi.

Today, the government announced that Heidi Stensmyren will be the new chairman of the board of the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

She has previously been chairman of the Swedish Medical Association.

- We must ensure that the Swedish Social Insurance Agency gets closer to healthcare.

That's one of the reasons.

Then the legal competence also needs to be strengthened.

Because here we talk a lot about the effects that arise from another application of law.

See more of the interview with the Minister of Social Insurance in the video above.