my country successfully launches all-sky monitor satellite for gravitational wave storm high-energy electromagnetic counterpart

  At 4:14 on December 10, 2020, my country used the Long March 11 carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center to send the gravitational wave storm high-energy electromagnetic counterpart all-sky monitor satellite into a predetermined orbit in a "one arrow and two stars" method. The launch was a complete success.

  The gravitational wave storm high-energy electromagnetic counterpart all-sky monitor satellite is deployed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Strategic Leading Science and Technology Special Space Science (Phase II). The two small satellites adopt a conjugate orbit constellation layout, which will be used for gravitational wave gamma bursts and fast radio High-energy radiation, special gamma bursts and magnetar bursts and other high-energy celestial explosion phenomena are monitored throughout the sky, and dense celestial bodies such as neutron stars and black holes and their merger processes are studied.

In addition, the satellite will also detect space high-energy radiation phenomena such as solar flares, earth gamma flashes and earth electron beams, and provide scientific observation data for further study of their physical mechanisms.

  This mission is the 355th flight of the Long March series of carrier rockets.

  CCTV reporter Liu Changlian Yang Hongyang Liu Wenyong Che Yuanyuan Liu Xiaohui Mei Yongdong Liu Xu

  Our Space Innovation Practice Center丨Zhu Xiaoxiong, Wang Yulei, Huang Guochang

  Photography丨Guo Wenbin