Academy of Military Sciences: Further strengthen the construction of high-end military think tanks

["Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" opens a new round] 

  The Academy of Military Sciences is a leading force in military scientific research in the entire army. Since it was identified as the first batch of pilot units for the construction of national high-end think tanks at the end of 2015, it has focused on the goal of building a world-class military think tank, serving the strong army and winning battles as the main line, and serving strategic decision-making. To focus on adapting to the restructuring and reshaping of the military scientific research system, innovating the organizational model of military scientific research, promoting collaborative innovation, and systematically launching forward-looking, targeted, and reserve research results, and the construction of think tanks has achieved initial results.

  In recent years, the Academy of Military Sciences has completed more than 2,000 research projects on various decision-making consultations, and has put forward original theoretical results in the party’s innovative theory, national security, military strategy, military reform and other fields, which have strongly supported national defense and military construction, reform and military The struggle practice has produced important social and academic influences.

  The "Proposals of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Formulating the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and Long-Term Goals for 2035" approved by the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out the way forward for the construction and development of high-end think tanks.

The leadership of the Academy of Military Sciences stated that it is necessary to earnestly study and implement the spirit of the plenary meeting, and translate it into practical actions to promote the construction of first-class military think tanks, centering on the core tasks of serving strategic decision-making, further gathering strength, giving full play to unique advantages, and deepening the integration of science and technology, and the combination of research and application , Strengthen the "open door to engage in scientific research" think tank collaboration, continuously improve the quality level and comprehensive influence of think tank construction, and better integrate into the national governance system and modernization practice of governance capabilities through the production of results, talents, and ideas.

In the next step, the Academy of Military Sciences will further strengthen the construction of national high-end think tanks from the following three aspects:

  Strengthen the quality orientation and improve the closed loop of think tank research.

Focus on improving the quality of think tank research and promote the improvement of the closed-loop mechanism of "demand generation-subject research-application transformation-evaluation feedback".

In terms of demand generation, focus on exploring "a la carte" drafting research and designated research, combined with "choosing dishes" and "revealing the rankings" competitive research, so that think tank research can be matched with decision-making needs, and it is a think tank for various disciplines. Researchers participate in competition and play a role to provide opportunities.

In terms of subject research, focus on exploring research and application combined with practical mechanism construction, creating conditions for think tanks to understand and master real problems, produce real results, and achieve results; improve methods and conditions support, strengthen think tank professional databases, case libraries, and games System and information system platform construction.

Within the scope of policies, research promotes a more flexible, efficient, and scientific think tank funding management system, which provides a strong guarantee for the relative independence of think tank research process methods and the objectivity of research viewpoints and conclusions.

In terms of application transformation, speed up the construction and application of information systems, minimize the circulation and submission links outside of research, support the rapid research of think tanks and efficient submission of results; broaden the conversion path of think tanks, open up direct connection services, direct consultation with experts and other channels, Avoid "traffic jams" of results and ensure that the research is useful.

In terms of evaluation feedback, research and improve the classification and evaluation system of results, improve the efficiency of results evaluation and feedback, strengthen positive incentives for think tank researchers, and continuously improve the quality of research.

  Focus on pooling intelligence and cohesion, strengthening the roots and strengthening the foundation to cultivate talents

From the system design, we should sort out the research and break the deep-seated contradictions of talent absorption, cultivation and use, improve the open, competitive, and mobile talent use mechanism, and strive to build a national first-class think tank expert pool.

Intensify efforts to cultivate talents for research in think tanks that integrate science and technology, strengthen the cross-field and cross-sectoral appointment of think tank research talents in military theory and military science and technology, and promote the orderly flow of talents and the optimal allocation of resources.

Exploring and expanding the use of think tank talents, not asking people for my own, but asking for talents for my own use, find a way to attract and use experts from inside and outside the military, and outside the system, and further consolidate the foundation of think tank talents through internal and external enhancement methods, and expand the high-end Think tank research power.

  Strengthen characteristic brands and expand communication and cooperation networks.

Taking the opportunity of continuing to successfully host the Beijing Xiangshan Forum and advancing China-ASEAN defense think tank exchange activities, deepen and expand the exchanges and cooperation of think tanks inside and outside the military and at home and abroad.

Explore ways to use think tank cooperation, focus on strengthening the decision-making consultation and research collaboration relationship with the demand side, hold think tank construction exchange seminars, carry out the Beijing Xiangshan Forum normalization expert seminars, etc. to explore the establishment of institutionalized cooperation, carry out information sharing, and project sharing Research and results sharing, promote the formation of defense and security think tank cooperation and exchange network, and play a leading role in improving the level of military think tank construction.

At the same time, relying on the continued development of China-ASEAN defense think tank exchange activities, we will expand and establish a wider international cooperation network for think tanks, and continuously enhance the international influence of think tanks.

(Our reporter Liu Xiaobing, our correspondent Lin Yong and Wei Yin)