It has been 40 years since the death of John Lennon, a core member of The Beatles, who had a great influence on the world through music, and fans gathered near his home in New York, USA to commemorate him.

John Lennon died at the age of 40 on the night of December 8, 1980, when he was shot by a man claiming to be a fan in front of his home in New York.

On the 8th, just 40 years after his death, New York was cold in the morning, with occasional snowfall, and fans gathered in the Central Park square right next to his house.

This square is called "Strawberry Fields" after the Beatles song, and there is also a memorial monument in one corner.

On the memorial monument, the gathered fans offered a message and flowers with a wish for peace, and played and sang the songs of "Imagine" and The Beatles left by Mr. Lennon on the guitar. I survived.

An 80-year-old man who said that if Lennon was alive, he would be the same age, "I love Lennon's songs. If he were still alive, I would have sung Imagine for world peace and justice." I was talking.

Another woman said, "We should firmly accept Mr. Lennon's message of peace and love and create a society where we can respect each other."

Due to the influence of the new coronavirus, many memorial events will be planned on the Internet on the anniversary of death, and there will be an event to show off Lennon's songs and an online tour to introduce places related to New York. It has become.

Yoko Ono "I still want to see you 40 years later"

On the 8th, 40 years after John Lennon's death, his wife Yoko Ono wrote on Twitter, "I still want to see you 40 years later."

He also quoted Lennon's representative song, Imagine's lyrics, and posted, "Imagine, everyone is living in peace."

He posted with a photo of his blood-like eyeglasses, "After John Lennon's death, more than 1,436,000 people have died from guns in the United States."

Paul McCartney "I'm proud to work with you"

Paul McCartney, who was a core member of The Beatles with John Lennon, said on Twitter on the 8th with a picture taken with Lennon, "It's a sad day, but I also remembered the great joy that my friend John brought to the world. I am proud to have met and worked with him and continue to feel happy. "