Micro Video丨Starting from the Heart in the Constitution

  This is a piece of paper full of people’s rights,

  Supreme and meticulous.

  Every moment of life is silently guarded by the Constitution.

  The modernization of the country must rely on the rule of law.

  No matter how dangerous the road is, it cannot hinder the pace of the rule of law in China.

  Hangzhou is the place where the first constitution of New China, the 1954 constitution, was drafted.

  December 4, 2016

  The "May 4th Constitution" historical materials exhibition hall was officially opened here.

  In Zuogaidoma Township, Hezuo City, Gansu,

  Lu Yan from the Bureau of Justice is busy giving lectures to the children.

  With her teaching experience, she uses lively language,

  A lively constitution propaganda lesson was given to the students of Rendoma Primary School.

  Shuangtu Town is located in the north of Yunyang County, Chongqing City.

  The terrain is steep and cars cannot reach it directly.

  The court officers carried the touring equipment,

  Move the court to the door of the people’s house,

  Extend legal services to the last mile at the grassroots level.

  In the new era of China, the power of the rule of law inspires people’s hearts,

  Belief in the rule of law has taken root in the hearts of the masses.

  Under the guidance of Xi Jinping’s rule of law,

  The socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics under the constitution is constantly improved,

  Leading the construction of the rule of law in China to achieve greater development in the new stage of development.

  Planning: Ni Siyi

  Publisher: Sun Zhiping

  Producer: Fan Hua and Zhang Pingfeng

  Coordinator: Li Jie Wang Jian

  Director: Tian Tian

  Reporter: Zhao Xiaoshuai, Martha, Yu Gang, Wang Yiwen, Li Tao, Jiang Mingming, Ding Chunyu, Fan Junwei

  Reporter: Rao Guojun

  Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency