SFI is not enough for everyone who works in welfare to have sufficient knowledge of Swedish, the government thinks.

The budget therefore put money on a targeted investment in better language skills in elderly care, such as care assistants and assistant nurses who lack sufficient knowledge of the Swedish language.

Now they want to see better Swedish also among employees in other welfare, such as preschool, assistance and care.

- We need to raise the ambition, you must know enough Swedish to be able to communicate with someone who is ill or an elderly person.

Here, of course, there needs to be good language skills in order to be able to carry out their work, says Minister of Finance Magdalena Andersson (S) to SVT.

Efforts are directed at employees

On Wednesday, the so-called Welfare Commission met, which includes representatives of the government, trade unions and Sweden's municipalities and regions.

It was then agreed to review how language skills should be improved among employees in, among other things, preschool, assistance and care.

The efforts will primarily be directed at people who are already employed.

The government emphasizes that not everyone who has attended SFI, but that some do not have sufficient language skills.

The Minister of Finance says that she wants to see efforts as soon as possible.

She mentions, among other things, language support and teaching in classrooms, but exactly how it should be done, they want to leave to municipalities and regions to produce.

- It is up to municipalities and regions how to organize it, but it can for example be that there is a language supporter in the workplace, or that you have a co-worker who helps to support, says Magdalena Andersson.

No more money

Nor is more money being allocated at present.

- Now municipalities and regions have received record-breaking additions to the budget for next year, so there are opportunities to work with this.