Professional football is in danger in France.

In danger of death, no more and no less.

He's sick of what should have made him even more vigorous and competitive: television rights.

He had sold them at a high price, two and a half years ago, at 1.15 billion euros per season, including 780 million to a company which is ultimately unable to pay its drafts.

This company is Mediapro.

She did not pay what she owed in October, 172 million euros.

And nothing says she'll pay what she owes this month.

It must do so in two days at the latest, while at the same time, a mediation is underway between the Professional Football League and Médiapro.

To talk about it, Philippe Vandel receives Christophe Lepetit and Jean-François Pérès.

Guest (s): Jean-François Peres (Head of the European Sports Department1) and Christophe Lepetit (head of economic studies at the Center for Law and Economics of Sport)