It is an impressive sight that meets motorists along the small road between Vintrosa and Lannafors.

Karl and Suzette Elestedt and neighbors Dennis and Marina Kemi not only decorate their own farms with Christmas lights to the border.

Nowadays they are helped to fill the fence between the farms.


Some work"

It is difficult to say how many lamps it is about, but it is quite clear that it is about kilometers of light loops.

- Since these are LED lights, there will be no major increase in the electricity bill, states Karl Elestedt.

However, there is some work to be done to ensure that everything comes up sometime in early November and that it shines.

Can get bigger

But that it's worth it, all four agree, even if there is a traffic jam sometimes.

- Karl and Suzette have a lot of land so this can probably grow and get bigger in the future, Marina Kemi guesses.

Karl and Suzette Elestedt and neighbors Dennis and Marina Kemi share an interest in Christmas lighting.

Lots of Christmas lights.

Photo: SVT