In an interview with the Russia 24 TV channel, Lukashev confirmed that repeated cases of COVID-19 are possible.

“The first infection is easy enough to catch: a person did not have antibodies, then antibodies appeared, which means that he met a virus.

And then his antibodies remain, and it is much more difficult to prove that this was the second meeting, that there were more antibodies, ”TASS quotes him.

According to the scientist, recurrent diseases, as a rule, are always easier than primary cases.

“The entire history of the evolution of our immune system and our coexistence with pathogens suggests that, on average, repeated infections will proceed more easily and will not lead to such dire consequences,” he stressed.

At the same time, Lukashev expressed the opinion that about a third of all humanity is already protected from COVID-19 thanks to the lymphocytes that were left from "meeting with common coronaviruses."

"This may explain why people are so differently postponing the meeting with the coronavirus," he explained.

The expert also noted that the COVID-19 problem will lose its relevance in a couple of years, although the coronavirus will continue to circulate and a number of restrictions may remain.

Earlier, the Ministry of Health announced repeated cases of coronavirus registered in Russia.