Straight across the nation,

  From primitive society or slave society

  Directly transition to a socialist society,

  Concentrate the millennium mark.

  From the cave dwelling to the new house,

  From lack of food to a healthy life,

  From slash and burn to modern agricultural business.

  By November 2020,

  11 direct ethnic groups and ethnic groups with a small population in Yunnan

  All historic farewells to absolute poverty.

  Completely build a well-off society,

  There is no shortage of a minority.

  Produced by: Sun Zhiping and Li Yin

  Producer: Xing Peiyu and Wang Changshan

  Coordinator: Han Shen and Wu Xiaoyang

  Director: Lu Xinhui

  Reporter: Wang Anhaowei, Hu Chao, Yang Jing

  Editing/Packaging: Wang Anhaowei

  Xinhua News Agency Audio and Video Department

  Xinhua News Agency Yunnan Branch
