Healthcare employees from Skåne, Blekinge and Västerbotten are involved and Stefan Löfven has previously met some of them.

He opened by saying that what he had heard last time made a deep impression on him.

"These stories from the floor are incredibly important," he said.

- It's for real.

I am very interested to hear how you and your colleagues experience your situation.

Many have resigned

Anneli Svensson who is an assistant nurse in Lund and Martin Ahlström who is an Ival doctor in Malmö are present at the meeting from Skåne. 

The doctor Martin Ahlström

"People rely a lot on people showing up and a certain amount of forced relocation of staff from different units," said Martin Ahlström.

- In the spring, people had to work with the same tasks with different employment contracts and remuneration, which was perceived as unfair.

Martin Ahlström also said that several of those who moved from surgery to covid care during the spring have resigned.

He worries that more people will follow.

- I'm really worried about what the staff supply will look like.

It will take a long time, it will be hard.

"Good workmanship"

Anneli Svensson is also worried about the personnel situation.

- We in Lund have got a pretty sharp situation right away, she said.

- What we take with us positively from the spring is that we got a very good way of working together.

you work with a good feeling in there and thanks to that we can do a lot.

However, staff are worried about the canceled Christmas holiday.

Many are tired.

- This Christmas we have got rid of our holiday.

No one gets free, everyone gets to work.

It is a tough time ahead of us.

Assistant nurse Anneli Svensson

"Must do even more"

Stefan Löfven understood the concern.

- You do not have the strength to do as much as you like, he said and added that what the care staff do is admirable.

- We will ensure that there are resources so you can hire if needed.

Your stories only prove what we work with and we can only make sure to do even more for you who are out in the real world.

The text is updated