
After the recent incidents in the Bundestag, the CSU is encouraging a debate on whether the AfD can be kept away from important positions in parliament - for example on the rules of procedure.

If you look at the total number of incidents with AfD MPs, “you can definitely ask the question of whether the parliamentary tradition of dividing positions in parliament can also be distributed according to these previous regulations on parliamentary group strengths,” said CSU state group leader Alexander Dobrindt on Tuesday before a virtual meeting of the Union parliamentary group in the Bundestag in Berlin.

During the vote on the Infection Protection Act, visitors to the Reichstag building came through AfD MPs last Wednesday, who then molested, filmed and sometimes insulted law advocates among politicians.

Visitors also broke into parliamentary offices.

Thousands of people demonstrated against the law around the government district.

According to the latest events, no one can explain “if an AfD parliamentary group would get claims to a vice president,” said Dobrindt.

The CSU had always been against electing an AfD member as a vice-president of the Bundestag.

"In the meantime, the last doubters should also be convinced that this group cannot be given positions in such bodies."


According to the rules of procedure of the Bundestag and agreements in the Council of Elders, the composition of the committees and the chairmanship in the committees are determined according to the strength of the parliamentary groups.

The AfD is the largest opposition faction and presides over the particularly important budget committee.

After several failed attempts, the AfD wants to try again this Thursday to have one of its members elected as deputy to Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU).

Dobrindt sees AfD on the way to becoming the new NPD

The AfD is clearly on the way to becoming the new NPD, said Dobrindt with a view to the right-wing extremist National Democratic Party of Germany.

In the AfD, the radical forces continued to prevail.

This is at least accepted at the top of the party and parliamentary group, if not supported, said the CSU regional group leader.

The CSU will do everything “to ensure that this attempt to decompose parliamentarianism does not work from within”.

It is quite possible that changes will have to be made to long traditions in connection with the rules of procedure of the Bundestag.

This will apply to the future legislative period - but regulations for this have to be initiated now.