Paris (AFP)

Total is considering a voluntary departure plan that could lead to 700 job cuts, Thierry Defresne, central CGT Total refining and petrochemicals union representative, told AFP.

"It is at least 700 positions which will not be replaced on 1,400 to 1,500 employees potentially affected by a departure," said Mr. Defresne, confirming press information.

Total management confirmed to AFP the opening of a voluntary departure plan but not the figure of 700 job cuts.

According to Mr. Defresne, this is a "low estimate" which "could grow", as part of a departure plan itself developed as part of Total's One Tech project, focused on the development of renewable energies.

“Presented as necessary for the renewal of the age pyramid, it provides for the replacement of positions on industrial sites, in research and development and in technical professions, but not at headquarters,” he said.

This POS was officially launched on Monday.

A schedule providing for three meetings by mid-December and possibly a fourth in January has been proposed to trade unions, according to Mr. Defresne.

A letter from the human resources department addressed to employees and consulted by AFP, specifies the opening "of negotiations within the scope of the Common Social Base, with the exception of the Donges and Grandpuits sites which are already the subject of specific projects ".

The PDV would target "people at the end of their career", on a "voluntary" basis.

"The voluntary departures of people employed in operational sites and in technical and R&D entities of what will constitute the future One Tech entity will all result in hiring (...). Conversely, voluntary departures of people employed in the headquarters (outside the One Tech perimeter) will not, except in specific cases, be compensated and will not give rise to hiring ", adds the management of Total in this letter.

Early retirement is offered "to volunteers close to retirement of some 15,000 employees under French contracts of the group, which employs a total of around 100,000 people in the world" and intended "for those who are close to retirement and who want to It is impossible to give a figure for the moment, because the negotiations will be used to define what precisely means "close to retirement" ", told AFP a representative of the group.

"This is an important signal sent to the youth because all operational, industrial, research and development or technical positions will be replaced," he added, stressing that "Total is the only major oil major to have not having given a quantified target for job cuts ".

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