▲ The appearance of hand sanitizer products that residents drank

In a village in eastern Russia, seven residents died after drinking a hand sanitizer high in methanol.

According to local media such as Russia's state-run Tas news agency, on the 18th, nine residents of the town of Tomtor in Tatinsky region shared a 5-liter hand sanitizer instead of alcohol in one house.

Immediately after drinking hand sanitizer, 7 out of 9 people, including women in their 40s, died to date, and the remaining 2 are reportedly unconscious.

The hand sanitizer they drank was confirmed to have been purchased at a nearby store.

Russian health and hygiene authorities have restricted the sale of products from the manufacturers of hand sanitizers and warned residents not to drink hand sanitizers.

Methanol, also called methyl alcohol, is a toxic substance that can cause death by acting on the nervous system.

According to local media, the analysis of the composition of the hand sanitizer in question reached 69% methanol.

There are also accidents taking hand sanitizers in the United States, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed data from hospitals in Arizona and New Mexico and found that 15 people who took methanol-containing hand sanitizers were admitted to the hospital, of which 4 died.

(Photo ='Consumer Rights Protection and Welfare Supervisory Authority' (Rosport Revnadzor) website capture, Yonhap News)