The moderates have submitted a committee initiative to the municipal board in Hallstahammar.

They want to allow so-called microcatering, as it has come to be called when restaurants are allowed to deliver alcoholic beverages when delivering food home to private individuals.

- This industry has really had to change.

We see that the Christmas tables are canceled and replaced by Christmas tables that you bring home, it would be perfect if you could then also serve a Christmas beer together with the good Christmas food, says Jenny Landernäs (M), group leader in Hallstahammar.

Even in Västerås, the Moderates want to allow micro-catering.

They have also submitted a committee initiative regarding this.

The County Administrative Board: Will initiate a supervisory matter

But microcatering is controversial and the County Administrative Board of Västmanland is critical of the Moderates' proposal.

- You can have catering in private homes, but then you must meet all the requirements of the Alcohol Act, says Ellen Bäckman, supervisory officer at the County Administrative Board in Västmanland.

In the clip above, Jenny Landernäs (M), group leader for the Moderates in Hallstahammar, tells how microcatering should go and Ellen Bäckman at the County Administrative Board in Västmanland tells why they are critical of the proposal.