
Berlin (dpa / bb) - At the start of the second phase of the controversial rent cover law, Berliners should be able to obtain even better information than before.

From Monday (November 23), excessive existing rents are prohibited by law and must be reduced.

This raises a number of new questions.

«We have put together a comprehensive information package.

The centerpiece is the well-known website www.mietendeckel.berlin.de, said Urban Development Senator Sebastian Scheel (left) of the German Press Agency.

"At the center of the website is a self-test scheme, with the help of which everyone can find out what the law means in a specific case."

The main content of the website should be available in ten languages ​​and updated regularly.

"We also work closely with the Berlin tenants' association and of course continue to offer free tenant advice in the districts," said Scheel.

"There is also a new brochure on the law that will soon be available from housing offices, tenants 'associations and landlords' associations."

In addition, posters and advertising on buses and trains are planned throughout the city.

"We also place advertisements in specialist publications for landlords," said the Senator.

According to the Senate Administration, tenants have so far primarily needed advice on excessive rents, the rules between the deadline and the entry into force of the rent cap and the planned reduction options.

On the part of the landlords, the classification of the location of their property was regularly an issue.

In good time before the second stage came into force, the Senate put a calculator online for the regular rent.

At the address https://mietendeckel.berlin.de/mietendeckelrechner/ you can find out whether a rent from 23 November is considered excessive according to the definition of the Senate and therefore has to be reduced.


Since February 23, rents for around 1.5 million apartments have been frozen at the June 2019 level as part of the Berlin rent cap.

From 2022, they may increase by a maximum of 1.3 percent annually.

As of Monday, rents that are more than 20 percent above the specified upper limits are prohibited by law.

The Federal Constitutional Court will probably decide on the constitutionality of the rent cap in Berlin in the second quarter of next year.

Rent cover calculator

Questions and answers about the rent cover law