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  • Politics Navarra, laboratory of the pacts of the PSOE with Bildu

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The president of the Union of the Navarre People (


) and spokesperson for Navarra Suma,

Javier Esparza

(Pamplona, ​​1970), offered in October to the president of Navarra, María Chivite, to facilitate their Budgets and guarantee stability in the community until 2023 The budget pact with EH Bildu confirms their suspicions.

The socialist president of Navarra, María Chivite, announced this Saturday her budget pact with EH Bildu, did she have any other alternative to guarantee the accounts of


We offered him our abstention in the 2021 Budgets and also stability until 2023. Because we understood that we are in an exceptional moment.

And we only made it a condition that Bildu's policies were not in the Budgets and that it was not negotiated with Arnaldo Otegi's party.

Chivite decided at the beginning of the legislature to leave the future of Navarra in the hands of Otegi.

Why didn't María Chivite accept her proposal if she didn't demand anything from her and guaranteed the Budgets that she wanted?

He has used various excuses, but the most important is that he did not accept vetoes.

Yes, he accepts the vetoes of the others towards Navarra Suma and, above all, he accepts the blackmail of EH Bildu, who already told him that there would be consequences if he agreed with us.

The socialist electorate in Navarra does not like the agreement with Bildu and the Socialist Party of Navarra (PSN) is making excuses.

The test of cotton has been to disregard our proposal and reinforce its pact with Bildu.

Bildu is not just another political formation because they have decided not to be the same.

Bildu has not renounced anything, he has not asked for forgiveness and pays tribute to the terrorists when he is released from prison.

ETA no longer exists but the victims do.

Isn't there a pact with Bildu, as Ábalos says?

On Saturday they signed an agreement with Bildu in Navarra.

A year and a half ago, both Chivite and Pedro Sánchez promised not to agree with Bildu but it was all a lie.

Has Bildu found an ally in Chivite for his sovereign project in Navarra?

Chivite is being an accomplice of the abertzale independence project.

He is strengthening EH Bildu, who wants Navarra to be annexed and become part of the Basque Country.

He wants Navarra to disappear.

EH Bildu is not going to give up on his first goal.

In addition, its policies are also strengthened at the municipal level.

After winning the elections in June 2019, you offered Sánchez to co-govern Navarra with you as president.

Why was that coalition not possible?

Because the PSN lied to the PSOE.

He said that there was no agreement with EH Bildu that time has confirmed.

He threatened the possible disappearance of the PSN if this agreement was not accepted and guaranteed that in this way Chivite would be president at any cost.

Now Chivite is the president but she has renounced the values ​​of Navarrese socialism and the socialist program is in the trash.

Even the PNV has recognized that EH Bildu's support for Sánchez's budgets is related to the transfer of prisoners.

Is the president using prison policy as a bargaining chip Arnaldo Otegi?

The current leadership of the PSOE is understanding politics from a practical point of view.

Sánchez pacts with the devil to stay in power.

And make the decisions that are necessary.

And then if he has to step on the devil, he will and throw it away.

After bleaching Bildu, they will agree with them when they deem it necessary.

Chivite has highlighted the content of the pact by linking with measures to combat the effects of Covid-19 in Navarra.

Why has it been one of the Spanish communities with the worst data in the two waves of the pandemic?

Because there is no leadership in the Government of Navarra and there are no good teams in political management.

Having one of the best health systems in Spain, we are one of the communities that has suffered the worst results.

María Chivite's team did not make decisions and when you don't or take them late, you pay for it.

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