Many are warmed by the story of a Turkish man who gave warmth to a dove in the cold.

On the 9th of the local time, foreign media such as Turkish journalist CNN Turk said that Mr. Sabahatin Ilmaz helped a pigeon who escaped through the window sill of his house while wet.

Recently Mr. Ilmaz found something sitting on the window sill while resting at home.

When I got closer, I saw a dove, like a drowning mouse, and trembling.

Mr. Ilmaz recalled that just before the rain showers rallied through the neighborhood, he guessed that the pigeons were struggling because they couldn't escape the rain in time.

And after thinking for a while, I took a'hair dryer' from the room and headed to the window, and I thought I should warm up in the seat instead of stressing the tired pigeon by bringing it into the house to help.

Mr. Ilmaz reached out a long hand from the window and carefully dried the pigeon's wet fur.

Mr. Ilmaz's meticulous care became known when a passerby who was passing under the apartment at that time discovered it and released the filmed video online.

Afterwards, Mr. Ilmaz said, "After drying the pigeon hair to some extent, I gave him something to eat. When I saw it all, I dried the hair for about 15 minutes, and then he recovered and flew away." At the same time, they replied, "Aren't pigeons also life, so I just helped" to the reaction of netizens who said that they were kind.

This is'News Pick'.

(Source ='TV100' YouTube, CNN Turk website capture)