The curve over the number of infected people has turned sharply upwards, and recently around 5,000 cases have been discovered - every day.

And although part of the increase can be explained by the fact that significantly more people are being tested this autumn compared with this spring, the pressure on intensive care has also increased rapidly in recent weeks, as has the number of deaths with established covid-19.

Virologist Fredrik Elgh at Umeå University is very concerned that Sweden, with some lag, seems to be following the same steep increase on the curve as many other European countries.

- If we look at how many people are hospitalized right now, Sweden will within one to two weeks reach the same situation that we had at the top on April 27 when we had the most dead.

Advocates shutdown

According to Fredrik Elgh, however, countries such as the Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Belgium, with the help of strict closures and travel restrictions, have succeeded in breaking the spread of infection and turning the curve around again.

With these as role models, he believes that Sweden should also consider much sharper measures to give healthcare a chance, and that it is urgent:

- With sharper measures, I mean that you should not be allowed to hang out with more than maybe five or six people, that restaurants, restaurants and pubs should be closed completely and that no people should be able to meet in public spaces.

So a shutdown.

How do you view the discussion of voluntariness versus coercive measures?

- As I see it, it must be a matter of coercion because today's recommendations are not followed to a sufficient degree.

Many people make good efforts but not all, I see that everyday.