Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice said that "procrastinating Donald Trump and his administration threatens the national security of the United States."

In her article for the New York Times, she noted that since 2000 she has participated in three presidential transitions.

This year, although she serves on the Biden-Harris transition advisory board, she is not a member of the transition team, and as always, what she writes is a personal view.

Rice commented that each transition process she went through was different, but what the three processes agreed upon was an acknowledgment that the country's national security is better presented when both sides seek to transfer power responsibly.

Otherwise, national security is undermined when one side refuses to seriously engage the other.

She suggested that in the week after Biden's victory, President Trump and his administration had not taken any steps toward starting the transition process, and this increased the risks to national security.

She mentioned extensively her experience with the three presidential transitions from President George W. Bush to former President Barack Obama, then her work on the current Biden-Harris transitional advisory board without being a member of the transition team.

Instead of working in the national interest to organize a responsible and democratic transition, Trump and many Republicans spend time sowing false doubts about the legality of Biden's election.

By following this year's elections, she felt that the days were passing quickly and the stakes were increasing, because Trump was showing no sign of starting the transition process, as Biden and his national security team did not provide the daily intelligence information they are entitled to, and the team does not receive any confidential information, nor The vital exchange of information and expertise that would help fight the Coronavirus and stimulate the economy remains stalled.

She added that without access to critical threat information, no incoming team could face what it could not expect to see.

And she added that if the Trump administration today were tracking potential or actual threats, such as Russian rewards on the heads of American soldiers, a planned terrorist attack on an embassy, ​​a dangerously mutated Corona virus, or Iranian and North Korean provocations;

But it fails to share this information in a timely manner with the Biden-Harris team;

This may cost us dearly in American lives.

Rice commented that instead of working in the national interest to organize a responsible and democratic transition, Trump and many Republicans are spending time sowing false doubts about the legality of Biden's election.

She concluded, "Tragically, but not surprisingly, it appears that Trump is determined to destroy our democracy and our national security, and is on his inevitable way out."