• Conte: "The vaccine plan will soon be in Parliament, we will work to avoid total lockdown"

  • Covid.

    Conte: "Government has no magic wand. We can do more but never rowed in the boat


November 11, 2020The Senate Chamber goes free to the Covid decree, which extends the state of emergency for the coronavirus to January 31, 2021. The measure is now being examined by the Chamber. There were 137 votes in favor, 86 against and 4 abstentions.

The main innovations

From the extension of the state of emergency to the postponement of administrative elections, from the suspension of notification and payment of tax bills to the rule that blocks the 'takeover' of companies operating in the telecommunications sector. The Covid dl had the first green light in the Senate Chamber. The rapporteur Valeria Valente (Pd) at the beginning of the session summarized the main points of the provision and the changes introduced in the committee. 


- Circumstances are widening which provide for the obligation to wear masks "not only in closed places accessible to the public, but more generally in indoor places other than private homes".


- The Regions may introduce derogatory measures with respect to those envisaged at national level. Within the limits of their competences, they may temporarily introduce more restrictive or broader measures; when they were extended, the need for an agreement with the Ministry of Health was introduced.


- Deferred to 31 December 2020 and 31 January 2021 some deadlines for the sending, by the Municipalities, of the resolutions to the tax revenues. The mayors of the smaller municipalities, who often carry out another job, will be able to take advantage of paid leave.


- The diagnostic tests relating to the exposure to the risk of contagion from Covid-19 of all personnel of the Police Forces, Armed Forces and Fire Brigade can be carried out by the health service of each body. 


- The extension of the deadline to 31 December 2020 of the suspension of notification activities of new payment


or of the payment of previously sent bills and deeds of the collection agent has been added. The period during which the installment expires with the failure to pay ten installments instead of five is also extended to 31 December.


- The provision by which the Government postponed the elections of the municipalities dissolved due to mafia infiltrations, already called for the dates of 22 and 23 November, and the elections for the renewal of the Presidents of the Provinces and provincial councils, has been implemented, including those already announced. Furthermore, only for 2020, in case of renewal of the council of the chief town, the deadline for proceeding to new elections of the metropolitan council is set at 180 days from the proclamation of the mayor of the chief town. 


- The state of emergency relating to meteorological events of exceptional magnitude, which occurred starting from 2 October 2018, which affected many Regions, was extended by a further twelve months, without further charges for the state coffers, as well as extended until 31 December 2024 the duration of the related special accounts.


- The decree-law intervenes to promptly implement the judgment of the Court of Justice of 3 September 2020, which ruled on a series of preliminary questions raised by the Lazio TAR in merit to the Mediaset-Vivendi affair, evaluating the discipline provided for by article 43, paragraph 1, of the consolidated act on audiovisual media services is not suitable, in practice, from the point of view of proportionality, to guarantee media pluralism. In this context, the rule in question intervenes pending the implementation of the legislative delegation for the revision of the sector regulations; it provides for a six-month transitional regime, during which, if a subject is to operate simultaneously in the electronic communications markets and in the SIC, the authority for guarantees in communications carries out an investigation aimed at verifying the existence of distorting effects or of positions damaging to pluralism, the outcome of which may be adopted remedies already provided for by article 43, paragraph 5, of legislative decree n. 177 2005


- It intervenes in Covid-19 warning system to strengthen the use of common technological tools of the European Union to combat the epidemic. The interoperability of the application with the platforms operating in the territory of the Union is expected.


- All taxes and social security and welfare contributions to be paid by the owners of Mazara boats seized 38 miles from the Libyan coast have been suspended until 31 December. The payments, explained Vincenzo Santangelo (M5s), can be made starting from 10 January 2021 to the maximum extent of 70% of the amount due.