Franco Locatelli

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November 10, 2020 "The number of dead today is particularly painful, these are numbers that touch our consciences and leave painful wounds".

The president of the Higher Health Council, Franco Locatelli, was the guest of Lilli Gruber at Otto e mezzo on La7.

And yet "The stability of the contagiousness index indicates that

the measures undertaken

are bringing results

, there is a deceleration compared to the growth of the past. And the Dpcm of October 24 has yet to fully manifest its effects", continued Locatelli.

Then he assures: "




first doses of the vaccine

may be available

, which will reasonably be offered first to health workers, law enforcement agencies and the most fragile sections of the population.

There are all the prerequisites for seeing the turning point ".

On the international level" The situation in Italy does not differ from that of other European countries.

Across the continent, the epidemic situation does not seem to be under control, so much so that all countries have adopted measures to mitigate its effects.


general lockdown

is not being prepared


everyone is working so that this does not happen, first of all the government, because the perception that the lockdown would have considerable social and economic consequences is very clear.

But obviously the numbers will tell us what will happen in ten, fifteen days ".

Finally, answering the question of what he thought of Matteo Salvini's proposal for an

alternative CTS

chosen by politics, Locatelli replied that" sometimes we forget the meaning of the verb "to serve".

For me and for all my colleagues on the committee, this word means serving the state and the country and making our skills available to those who have invested us in this role.

And if the institutions decide to change the methodology with which they have selected us or decide to change the members, we will calmly step aside with the same spirit in which we joined ".