Joe Biden held a press conference on Tuesday where he said that the Trump administration's opposition to a new government has no effect on what the Democrats will be able to accomplish, reports AP and several other media.

He said that a handover from the incumbent president had been useful but that nothing would stop the formation of a new government and that they would start work immediately.

During his appearance, Biden also addressed Obamacare, the health care reform that Trump ultimately wants to repeal, which just before the press conference was evaluated in the Supreme Court.

According to AP, it seems unlikely that HD will tear up the whole team, but still contributes to the growing pile of difficult-to-solve obligations that Biden will have to deal with once he takes office.

If the law were repealed, 23 million Americans would be affected.

Several EU leaders have congratulated Biden

At the same time, Trump stubbornly continues to claim that the election has been "stolen" in a cascade of Twitter posts that have all been flagged as "doubtful".

However, several leaders in the EU and Europe have now congratulated Joe Biden on the victory.

On Twitter, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris Johnson writes, among others, that he looks forward to good joint work in several areas:

"I look forward to strengthening the partnership between our countries and to work with him (Biden, reds. Note) on our shared priorities - from tackling climate change, promoting democracy and rebuilding our society after the pandemic"


According to the AP, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emanuel Macron have also contacted Biden.