Hookup+ | How is the Great Power Project created?

Xi Jinping tells the key

  Recently, General Secretary Xi Jinping issued important instructions to the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Railway.

He emphasized, "We must give full play to the advantages of our socialist system in being able to concentrate on major tasks, and accomplish this glorious and arduous historical task."

  "Many of my country’s major scientific and technological achievements are based on this magic weapon and must not be lost!" Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized more than once that the reason why China can accomplish so many major things is fundamentally speaking. It is because China has the institutional advantage of concentrating its efforts on major issues.

  The Beijing Daxing International Airport, which is like a golden phoenix spreading its wings, the Three Gorges Project that has made the dreams of generations of Chinese a reality, and the Beidou-3 global satellite navigation system that shares the "Chinese miracle" with the world... are all concentrated in our socialist system. Vivid practice of power to do big things.

Today, CCTV Network "Lianbo+" will get to know you together.

  (CCTV Network of China Central Radio and Television)