Sports "main subject status" can't rely solely on "100 points in the high school entrance examination"

  A few days ago, the Ministry of Education announced that it will strengthen the proportion of sports and aesthetic education in student evaluation.

The school's physical education entrance examination should continue to summarize experience and increase the score year by year to reach the level of the same score as the number of foreign languages.

  The sports of senior high school entrance examination increased from 50 points to 100 points, and Yunnan became the first province in the country to "eat crabs".

After Yunnan held a hearing on the "Yunnan Province Junior High School Students Physical Examination Program (Draft for Comment)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Program"), Shaanxi Province launched a new high school entrance examination program, which also increased the proportion of sports.

  This time the emphasis on scores has been implemented since the Ministry of Education issued the "Guiding Opinions on Further Promoting the Reform of the Enrollment System for Senior High School Examinations" in 2016. It was the first time that "sports become a compulsory test for high school entrance examinations" nationwide. The portrayal of the "fourth main subject" of sports.

  However, can a 50-point increase really realize the "main subject status" of sports?

The key is whether the score can be exchanged for the school, family and society's awareness of the importance of sports, so as to truly leverage the balance of school sports, and help students to tilt from "passive examination" to "active exercise".

Be wary of "Teaching by exam"

  According to the "Plan", the 100 points of the Yunnan Physical Education Entrance Examination consists of three parts: 20 points in the first grade, 40 points in the second grade, and 40 points in the third grade.

The scores of each academic year are composed of the scores of the last semester, the scores of the next semester and the extra points of the competition; the original "three-year test" has been changed to "two test a year", and "anytime test" and "timed test" are adopted in each semester. "Combined way; the content of the examination includes four parts: basic physical fitness test, special skill test, physical fitness monitoring and competition bonus.

  "Compared with the previous single skill-based or physical fitness-based test, the content of this test more comprehensively reflects the physical health of students and their state after physical education." Zhong Bingshu, president of the Capital Institute of Physical Education, told China Youth Daily. A reporter from China Youth Daily said that the adjustment of the exam time also gave students a chance to grow in the course of three years. The exam will pay more attention to the process and avoid the result of one exam.

  However, Zhong Bingshu also noticed that there are some content already covered in the physical fitness standard test for students in the test content. Repeated tests may increase the burden of the student's test. He suggested that the results of the physical fitness standard test can be directly quoted to put more energy. It is used to reform and strengthen the test of special sports skills. "Special skills need to be really connected with'mastering one or two sports skills', instead of dividing sports skills into sports actions."

  Take the content of the football test as an example. In the seventh grade, the ball is bumped, the frontal baffle passes and receives the ball in 1 minute, and the dribble goes around the shot. In the ninth grade, the forward and reverse baffle continuous pass for 1 minute, the fixed-point kick is accurate, and the two side baffles pass and dribble to shoot around the shot.

If we continue the past situation of "Teaching by exam", such a special skill test can easily cause the separation of students' motor skills.

  "How to do a special skill test requires special skills, otherwise there will be different exam content for different grades. After a few years, students have tested all skills. The football test scores are high, but they still do not have the ability to play." Zhong Bingshu said. "The teaching reform emphasizes that the teaching of subjects needs to be completed in the context. Therefore, how to effectively combine the real situation with these links in the examination of motor skills is very important."

  "Many of our physical education classes are non-sweating. Most students have studied physical education for 12 or even 14 years and can't do a single sport." Ji Liu, head of the National Primary and Secondary School Sports and Health Curriculum Standards Development Group, said A reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily stated that the inspection of individual technologies and combined technologies in many places is far from the basic requirements of normal sports competitions. “In addition to testing students’ individual skills, the exam should also examine students’ ability to compete. If sports lacks confrontation and competition, students will not only not be able to fully master sports skills, but they will also not be able to feel the sportsmanship and personality cultivation that sports bring."

  "What the school teaches in the exam is the real'examination-oriented sports'." Ji Liu emphasized that before implementing the sports scoring policy and forming an overall trend, we must be wary of the drawbacks brought by "examination-based teaching". Turning to'test by teaching', '100 points' may accelerate students' negative emotions in physical education and even loss of interest in sports, resulting in results that run counter to the original intention of the reform of the physical education entrance examination."

Hope the "raindrops" will fall as soon as possible

  Yunnan Junior One freshmen entering in the fall of 2020 will become the first batch of practitioners of "100 points in the physical education entrance examination".

This news is "painful and happy" for the on-duty physical education teacher.

  "This is a highlight moment for a physical education teacher." Zhong Wei (a pseudonym), a physical education teacher who has been teaching for nearly 30 years, told a reporter from China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily that for a long time, physical education has not occupied a high share of the evaluation system for entering higher education. Schools lack direct motivation in increasing class hours, replenishing teachers, upgrading hardware facilities, etc., which cannot be ignored. However, as the executor of the "Plan", these accumulated abuses that need time to clean up are becoming stumbling blocks for him to keep up with the pace of reform. "It's been two months since school started. The'Thunder' has made us very excited. Now we look forward to the'raindrops' falling as soon as possible."

  The "raindrop" that the grassroots physical education teachers look forward to is first in the class.

"The content of the assessment for students in the "Plan" is not particularly difficult, but to ensure that students can meet the assessment requirements, it is necessary to add 1-2 classes on the basis of a three-week physical education class. If the class time is difficult to increase, I hope to squeeze out the afternoon After school, the physical education teacher will give appropriate supplementary lessons for the students.” Zhong Wei said that after many years of teaching, he has personally felt that the student’s physique is “not as good as one class”. He took the long-distance race as an example and said that 20 years ago, the perfect score of 800 meters for girls was 3 points 20 Seconds, "Now it has been adjusted to 3 minutes and 38 seconds. Many children are still difficult to reach. Without mentioning new students, many children in the second grade can't even reach 4 minutes and 20 seconds. The situation of boys is even worse." In the future, if the emphasis on sports technology is added, it will inevitably require schools to give students more sports time support.

  “Improving classroom efficiency is also very important.” Physical education teacher Xue Liping (pseudonym) said that her school once implemented separate teaching for boys and girls, but as the shortage of physical education teachers and the aging of the venue conditions emerged, a physical education teacher The number of students faced has increased sharply, and the teaching efficiency has dropped significantly. "One cultural class, the teacher debuts questions, all students can do it at the same time, but physical education is outdoor teaching, the venues and equipment are limited, and the teacher has to standardize the actions one by one. These special needs The school gives more attention".

She said that if school leaders, cultural teachers and parents cannot respect the laws of sports, they still evaluate physical education according to the evaluation system of cultural courses, and the "pressure" brought by improving the scores of the high school entrance examination may be felt before the "status" of the physical education teachers.

  But in Ji Liu’s view, in the process of waiting for the “raindrops” of the policy to fall, physical education teachers can first try to change the existing classrooms. “Many schools’ physical education classes are a kind of “three” without exercise, no tactics, and no competition. No classroom', there is still a big gap between the arrangement of exercise intensity and exercise volume in physical education class from science and effectiveness."

  Increasing the scores of the high school entrance examination for physical education and promoting the whole society to pay attention to sports, thereby guiding students to exercise actively, "is a helpless move, but also the most effective way." Ji Liu said, "a quality physical education classroom is to make the entrance examination for sports really play the baton. The basis of action".

Physical Education Entrance Examination "tests school physical education"

  "Sports for the senior high school entrance examination is by no means focused on testing the teaching results of courses like Chinese, mathematics, and foreign languages. It also includes the part of the students' physical fitness." Zhong Bingshu said that since we want to wield the "baton" of the exam, we need to expand our understanding of sports for the high school entrance examination. "The entrance examination for physical education is not a high school entrance examination for physical education, but an examination that covers the physical fitness standards of students plus the teaching effect of physical education." He further explained, "In fact, it is an assessment of the entire school education work and an assessment of the outlook on physical education." .

  According to the "Plan", the physical fitness monitoring for the high school entrance examination for physical education includes: BMI, vital capacity and body mass index, and vision. These three items are monitored every school year.

The method of scoring is based on the longitudinal comparison of the students’ own health index in the first, second and third grades of the junior high school.

  "It is very good to attach importance to student health, but we must make it clear that physical health cannot be solved by physical education alone." Zhong Wei said that he hopes that when the "raindrop" falls, the curriculum evaluation of the physical education teacher can be clarified. Reaching the standard is the responsibility of the physical education teacher, but the health index requires the school, parents, and society to work with us. The high school entrance examination scores have indeed mobilized the enthusiasm of physical education teachers, but it is what we most hope to see when everyone re-recognizes sports."

  "The very important issue now is that the home school sports work is not doing well. We pull forward a bit and parents pull it back twice, including teachers in other subjects. The same is true for teachers in other subjects. We need to give more space for sports to play an educational role." Mao Zhenming, chairman of the School Sports League (Teaching Reform) and professor of Beijing Normal University, told the China Youth Daily and China Youth Daily that “the reform of the physical education examination must test the status and function of sports in the overall development of students, and must have certain Only with the intensity and strength of the physical education test can parents, students, principals, and other education colleagues go to the heart. It must be recognized and valued."

  In Zhong Bingshu’s view, this time the improvement is the score of the senior high school entrance examination, but it is not only the middle school campus that needs to respond accordingly. For example, the prevention of myopia and the development of sports interest need to start from elementary school or even earlier. The training of physical education talents must also keep pace with the times.

"Teacher training units must pay attention to the changes in national policies and actual requirements. In the training of physical education teachers, they should consciously increase the corresponding scientific research methods, skills testing methods, physical monitoring methods, etc., so that our future physical education teachers can quickly be competent for these. jobs."

  Our newspaper, Beijing, November 9th

  China Youth Daily·China Youth Daily reporter Liang Xuan Source: China Youth Daily