China News Service, Guangzhou, November 8th (Cai Minjie, Chen Peiqi) The 2020 Tencent Medical ME Conference will be broadcast live on the 8th.

Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, released a video at the conference, saying that one of the biggest success points of this epidemic prevention is to grasp the mass prevention and control in the community field, and prevent it from spreading upstream and preventing it from spreading to more people. .

  In 2020, the sudden new crown pneumonia epidemic has given all mankind an unprecedented and profound experience of "pain".

In response to the still severe situation of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, experts and scholars shared prevention and control experience and trend research at the meeting.

  Zhong Nanshan believes that an important experience gained from this epidemic is to improve the scientific literacy of the public.

"We used the community's joint prevention and control strategy to quickly contain the epidemic. This is largely due to the strong investment in medical science from all walks of life, which allowed the public to eliminate panic and understand and comply with various defensive measures, thereby effectively Responding to the epidemic in a timely manner.” At the same time, he also recognized the value of technology in the epidemic: “AI, big data, 5G, etc., have given us tremendous help in epidemic forecasting, vaccine research and development, and disease diagnosis. Cutting-edge technology promotes the future of medicine. A transformative force for development."

  In addition, Zhang Wenhong, director of the Department of Infectious Diseases at Huashan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, mentioned the next step in epidemic prevention and control in his speech at the conference.

He said that in this epidemic, the world has become a community to fight the epidemic. When the world's epidemic is not over and China cannot be independent of the world, China's experience is a strategy of "running faster than the virus".

  "The next thing we have to do is to run faster than the virus, quickly control the place where the epidemic occurs and test the relevant contacts until every case is found. At the same time, we need to increase the vaccination rate In order to welcome the restart and opening of the world, this year’s new crown epidemic has come to this day, and we believe that we have passed the darkest time.” Zhang Wenhong said that the global epidemic will not end in the short term. Wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and maintaining social distancing are new crowns. The new normal life during the pneumonia epidemic.
