
There was not even today (8th) of the loser's triumphant speech that would come out around this time.

As soon as President Trump heard the news of Biden's election, he foreshadowed a lawsuit, claiming that he was falsely pretending to be a winner.

This news is from Park Sang-jin.


President Trump, who visited his own golf course near the White House on the weekend, had a leisurely conversation with citizens at this time.

[Trump/US President: It's a great life, right?

You are young and beautiful.]

But during the rounding, when Biden's confirmation of victory was reported, he immediately made a statement and launched a counterattack.

"Biden is falsely pretending to be a winner, and he knows why his media allies are helping Biden," he criticized the media for reporting Biden's election confirmation.

This is because "I don't want the truth to be revealed."

He also said, "It is a simple fact that this election is not over yet," he said. "We will go to lawsuit from Monday."

While disagreeing with the election results, he made it clear his intention to go to court through a bunch of lawsuits.

President Trump has always argued against election fraud and fraud, as defeat intensified during the counting process.

[Trump/U.S. President (last 5th): I think lawsuits will increase because there is so much evidence. Eventually, the lawsuit will end in the Supreme Court.]

President Trump's declaration of dissent broke the US election tradition in which a defeated candidate gave his victory speech after the 1896 presidential election.

However, the movement inside the White House is drawing attention, including reports that President Trump's son-in-law Kushner had contacted President Trump to discuss the issue of defeat.

(Video editing: Yonghwa Jung)     

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