
07 November 2020Cesarean section today at the San Camillo hospital in Rome for a girl who has reached the ninth month of pregnancy and is in fact in a coma.

Arrived with helicopter rescue, the young woman was immediately taken in charge by the hospital resuscitators team and stabilized in twenty minutes.

Subjected to fetal monitoring, CT scan and brain magnetic resonance, she was transferred to the operating room where she underwent, with the intervention of gynecologists and neonatologists, a caesarean section.

The baby is alive and in neonatology and the girl is stable, with a reserved prognosis.

This was announced by the regional health councilor, Alessio D'Amato, underlining that "there is not only the Covid-19 emergency" and adding: "This is the San Camillo company, pride of the regional health service. thanks to all the professionals who are fighting Covid on the front line, not neglecting assistance for other diseases and who, unfortunately, as if that were not enough, are also forced to fight against fake news ".