Slips of the tongue reveal the level of culture and awareness of many, just as some statements of Egyptian artists at the El Gouna Festival revealed their public information.

Actress Laila Alawi spoke about male societies and concluded that the number of women in Egypt is greater than men, which in her opinion refutes the issue of the masculinity of society, in addition to the human struggle with dinosaurs and his victory over them, as actress Rania Youssef saw, and this inferred the human ability to confront the Corona pandemic, In fact, this is pure fiction that does not indicate any cultural background.

It is not possible to prejudice the artistic community and stigmatize it with the shallowness of culture. Undoubtedly, there are many women who have a great deal of knowledge, but perhaps returning to the stars of the last century forces us to compare with the current artists.

The undeniable fact is that behind every educated star there is a teacher who contributed to setting her on the right path to intellectual maturity, which was later reflected on her artistic and personal level.

Madiha Yousry and Professor

The late artist Madiha Yousry had the opportunity to approach the great Egyptian writer Abbas Al-Akkad when she was 18 years old, when he was over 50 years old.

Madiha learned from her professor despite her young age, as she felt that she was next to a great personality, and Akkad had actually adopted her intellectually and culturally, and was impressed by the large library in his home and her passion for reading and knowledge began, but when she went to work in cinema, she decided to move away from Akkad, who completely rejected her cinematic ambition. According to the book "The Flags of Contemporary Arabic Literature" by Muhammad Al-Hawari.

The culture of Madiha Yusri, which she derived at the beginning of her life, was clear in her cinematic choices, so she championed women in films such as “Girls of Hawa” and “Avocato Madiha”, and she was interested in presenting novels such as cooperation with writer Youssef El Sebaei in “I am leaving” and the story of “Comte de Monte Christo by Alexandre Dumas in The Prince of Vengeance.

Shadia and Naguib Mahfouz

Shadia was famous in her early days for the light-shadowing roles that she presented besides being a singer in the first place, and she was trying to get out of this framework, which caused a breakthrough in her cinematic career, but writer and writer Naguib Mahfouz admitted later - in a radio interview - that he did not see that Shadia fit the depth of his work .

Soon this feeling changed when I read the scenario “The Thief and the Dogs” and introduced the character “Nour,” and then said about her at the time that she is “a brilliant actress who can play any role and any character, not just the girl.”

After presenting "Hamida" in "Midaq Alley", Mahfouz revealed that "Shadia made me see Hamida on the screen, so I could feel every cuddle of her walking in front of me despite my great fear of her ability to embody the role since her nomination for him, but I felt for the first time that the character What I drew on paper became real flesh and blood moving in front of me. "

The cooperation of Shadia and Mahfouz was the main reason for the friendship that brought them together, which brought about a transformation in the works that Shadia later presented, such as "Miramar" and "The Way", as he specially wrote for her the story of her movie "The Two Sided".

Jahin, the godfather of Souad Hosni

It is unimaginable that Souad Hosni, who recorded "stopping the tape in a fixed position" from Salah Jaheen's poems, and his famous quatrains, is the same Cinderella that presented the roles of the spoiled girl.

Souad Hosni did not get enough education due to the harsh conditions in which she grew up with her family, then she had the opportunity to learn to read and write in order to read scenarios.

But the friendship that Salah Jaheen had with whom he considered his spiritual daughter refined her talent and gave her the necessary culture that enabled her to present composite characters in my films "Shafiqa and Metwally", "Princess of My Love Me" and the series "He and She", and these works bore the imprint of Salah Jaheen or the spiritual father By Souad Hosni.

Although they appeared together in the cinema in the movie "Without A Date" in 1962, the strong friendship between them began 10 years later, specifically when she was in Moscow and went to visit him in the hospital with director Youssef Chahine, to begin a new phase of maturity and culture in Souad’s life. The professional and personal level, she gathered cultural sessions with Jahin, who did not skimp on her with his vast culture and knowledge, and realized that she was fond of knowledge, and that friendship resulted in many works in Cinderella's journey.

Password in the life of Najla Fathi

Naglaa Fathy was famous at the beginning of her career for presenting characters who needed a super-beautiful girl, so she focused on her charming European features more than choosing the works that she presented, such as "Gram Schoolgirl", "Illusions of Love", "The Thieves of Paper", and "The Three Insane" .

However, Naglaa Fathi's association with the prominent Egyptian writer, journalist and activist Hamdi Qandil was a major reason for a radical change in her thinking about the works she presented after their marriage in 1992.

It was the stage of artistic maturity in which she presented works such as "The Garage", "Disco Disco", and "Concerto Fi Darb Saada".

Then she decided to move away from the art scene without making noise, to devote herself to a quiet life with her husband.

Women activists and cause

Magda Al-Sabahi not only approached the cultural milieu of her era, but she was passionate about reading and knowledge, and she was keen to finish the French baccalaureate degree before becoming a production company of her own, through which she presented many of the works in which she focused on shedding light on the issues of women and society in her time. What she presented is a film about the Algerian fighter "Djamila Bouhird", who was the lead and producer.

Nadia Lutfi also had clear fingerprints among the daughters of her generation, whether by her support for the families of the Naksa martyrs in 1967, or by volunteering to work in the nursing team at the Military Hospital after the October 1973 war, and she was treating the wounded in Qasr al-Aini Hospital.