• The Tar of Puglia suspends the ordinance of the Region on the closure of schools

  • Covid, Emiliano: in Puglia teaching suspended in presence in all schools


06 November 2020Change of course in Puglia on school directives.

Pupils of primary and lower secondary schools can return to class as early as tomorrow, while for students of upper secondary schools they continue the distance lessons.

This is what the new ordinance signed in the evening by the president of the Puglia Region, Michele Emiliano, provides.

"With effect from 7 November 2020 - we read - and up to 3 December 2020, the teaching activity must be carried out in application of the Dpcm 3 November 2020".  

So the order of Emiliano puts order on the responses of the TAR to the appeals presented by citizens regarding the indiscriminate closure of the schools wanted by the same governor at the end of October, in contrast to the last dpcm of last November 3.

For days - in fact - families and trade unions had been demonstrating against the president's decision.

The third section of the Administrative Court of Bari had accepted the appeal presented by the Codacons of Lecce and by some parents of the Province who asked to suspend Emiliano's order and reopen the institutions because, as stated in the motivation, "It interferes in a way that is inconsistent with the new Dpcm ".

The second section of Lecce, on the other hand, rejected the ordinance and established the closure of schools because, he explained, "the right to health prevails".