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03 November 2020While seats open throughout the country, first on the east coast, then gradually in all other states up to the West Coast, uncertainty continues to reign supreme.

A great uncertainty about how this 2020 Election Day will really close, if at the end of the night marathon there will be an official winner, or if it will be necessary to go on for days, or even weeks, to know who will sit in the Oval Office in the next four years.

In the first open polls, you have already scrutinized the ballots of a tiny village in New Hampshire that voted first: 5 votes, all for Biden.

Trump promises legal battle to contest the votes in the mail that will continue to arrive in some decisive states for days.

He would also consider himself the winner if the first data puts him in the lead in some key states and foresees "a magnificent victory" during the last election rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

"We're tired of tweets, fear and hatred. It's time for Trump to pack his bags."

Says Joe Biden, ahead in the polls, promising a plan for Covid as soon as he enters the White House.

"We will tackle the systemic racism of this country and rebuild the economy and make it better. I mean that not just to talk," Biden said, citing the names of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, two of the African Americans killed by the police.

"Faith in our country has been tested" with Trump, adds Biden, urging them to vote and move on.

For Obama, the tycoon is a 'cheap dictator'.

The specter of unrest and violence of the pro-Trump has also stirred the vote.

Twitter censors as "controversial" and "misleading" a post in which Donald Trump calls "dangerous" the decision of the Supreme Court to extend the validity of postal votes in Pennsylvania beyond election day.