
01 November 2020A generalized lockdown is not sustainable and is not needed, in Veneto most are asymptomatic and health is absolutely under control.

This was stated by the governor of Veneto, Luca Zaia, in this morning's meeting organized by the Minister of Regional Affairs, Francesco Boccia, with the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, the Regions, the Anci and the Provinces.  

The meeting focused on the management of the pandemic emergency in view of the new executive measures expected shortly and which will concern the movements between the Regions and any new "red zones".

Zaia would have said he was in favor of national measures, "let's decide together and whoever believes can add restrictive territorial measures. We must team up and be united between us and the government", but he would have emphasized that the RT is not always comparable between Regions because the number buffers and contact tracing are different;

home care must be strengthened.

"Ok to national measures, let's decide together and those who believe the plan adopted can add restrictive territorial measures - added the Northern League leader. We must team up and be united between us and the government, it is intolerable that virologists say everything and the opposite of everything. on TV. RT is not always comparable between Regions because the number of tampons and contact tracing are different. Home care must be strengthened, they must be treated at home ".