China's internet healthcare is gaining momentum (expert interpretation)

  "Chinese technology giants have shown their talents in reshaping the medical industry." A Bloomberg report described a scene seen on a Chinese Internet medical platform: On the second floor of a new office building in central Beijing, a group of people wearing headsets sit side by side. Move, quickly tapping the keyboard.

If it is not for signs with the words "Internal Medicine", "Pediatrics" and "Gynecology", they can easily be mistaken for telephone customer service staff.

  According to the US "Wall Street Journal" website recently reported that with the efforts of Chinese technology companies, millions of people have begun to use online medical care.

According to industry analysts, this marks a watershed in the way of providing medical services in a country with a population of more than one billion people, and can serve as a model for the development of global telemedicine.

Experts pointed out that China already has the world's most advanced digital medical system.

The report also cited relevant data as saying that from the end of 2019 to this summer, China's telemedicine providers have soared from less than 150 to nearly 600.

The report pointed out that China has taken measures in recent years to promote the development of telemedicine, hoping to strengthen the primary medical system and alleviate the congestion of large hospitals.

  Internet medical care has been developing in China for many years, and the service content has gradually developed from registered consultation to a more diversified direction. A large number of representative companies have emerged in subdivisions such as specialty chronic diseases, medical e-commerce, and medical information platforms.

At present, China's Internet medical treatment has entered a stable development stage, which is mainly used for online registration, online consultation and inquiries, inquiries about personal examination reports, and doctor information inquiries. It provides relatively little help in long-term medical treatment.

Therefore, Internet medical treatment is more of an auxiliary to offline medical treatment, and it plays a certain role in hierarchical medical treatment.

  During the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the development of Internet medical care accelerated.

From the perspective of the supply side, the epidemic has caused a large amount of offline medical resources to be used, and there is a relatively normal shortage of medical staff.

The offline consultation model is moved to the online, which can effectively alleviate the tension of medical resources and personnel, and avoid the situation of "nowhere to ask a doctor".

From the demand side, due to the needs of epidemic prevention and control, people try to minimize going out during the epidemic, and the willingness to go to the hospital for medical treatment is greatly reduced. To a certain extent, the demand of patients for online medical treatment has been generated, and some common minor diseases have become more important. Convenient way of consultation.

  The wide application of Internet medical treatment has greatly improved the efficiency of residents' medical consultation.

Online registration saves time and guarantees fairness; online consultation allows people to solve common diseases without leaving home, and also allows more reasonable allocation of medical resources.

Broadly speaking, digital technology can also empower the traditional medical industry in many ways.

Various portable instruments can continuously monitor the patient's physical signs and provide timely warning of relevant indicators, helping patients and doctors to better grasp the changes in the disease and treat the disease more effectively.

  Digital transformation is the only way for the development of all industries.

Under the epidemic, the rapid development of Internet medical treatment can strengthen people's understanding and recognition of Internet medical treatment, and build trust and confidence in Internet medical treatment.

At the same time, the increasing demand of residents also puts forward higher requirements on Internet medical care.

Among them, professionalism is the foundation of the development of Internet medical care, and it is also the core issue that patients care about.

Ensuring quality, maintaining image and reputation are the keys to the current development of Internet medical care.

  At present, there is still great potential for the development of Internet healthcare in China.

From a national perspective, it is necessary to do a good job in the top-level design of Internet medical care, improve the relevant medical security system, accelerate the integration of medical insurance into the Internet medical system, and further improve the medical service settlement system.

At the same time, strengthen the supervision of Internet medical treatment to prevent criminals from using illegal technology to make profits in this field.

Encourage hospitals and technology companies to strengthen cooperation, increase research and development, promote the accelerated integration of medical care with 5G, big data, and artificial intelligence, develop more Internet medical application scenarios, and provide more convenience for people's healthy lives.

From the perspective of industry practitioners, it is necessary to continuously strengthen the learning of new medical knowledge, continuously enrich the practical experience, and cultivate Internet thinking on this basis, and learn to use relevant Internet technologies to provide the greatest degree of help to patients.

  In addition, promoting the development of Internet medical care depends on the continuous advancement of technology.

In the digital age, the importance of data is self-evident.

Currently, Internet medical care is still in the stage of fighting on its own, and data sharing has yet to be developed.

At the same time, medical information often involves the privacy of patients, and attention should be paid to protecting personal privacy while sharing information.

This requires strengthened guidance and supervision at the national level, as well as relevant practitioners and relevant technology companies to strengthen technological research and development and cooperation.

  (Reporter Li Jiabao interviewed and compiled)

  Li Jiabao