China News Service, Hangzhou, October 31 (Zhang Yuhuan and Huang Lingyi) "Today, digital health is no longer a'luxury' but a'necessity'." October 31, 2020 Zhejiang International Health Industry Peak The Forum·Digital Health Conference was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Dr. Gauden Galea, the representative of the World Health Organization in China, said through a video connection that the correct use of digital technology is essential to achieve the sustainable development goals, and the occurrence of this epidemic has increased The necessity and urgency of institutionalized management of digital health.

  "As a public health doctor who is very interested in computer science and digital technology, I am very pleased to see how digital health has evolved into a mainstream topic in the past ten years, which has enabled people in different fields such as health, medical treatment, and technology. Leaders gather to meet huge challenges together.” Gao Li said that the improvement of human health, from anesthesia to vaccines, is partly due to technological advancement.

  He gave an example. Nowadays, digital applications are used to improve the training and work effectiveness of health workers. Telemedicine is changing the way people receive medical and health services. Artificial intelligence has improved the ability to diagnose complex diseases and identify new diseases.

  "After the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, as we have seen, big data can help control the outbreak of infectious diseases and optimize medical services. In fact, the outbreak of this epidemic has increased the necessity and urgency of institutionalized management of digital health. "Colliers believes that the correct use of digital technology is essential to achieve the goals of sustainable development, including 13 global work items formulated by the WHO such as universal health coverage.

  It is understood that in order to ensure that all people can enjoy the innovations in digital health, WHO is formulating guidance documents to promote digital health.

Last year, the WHO issued the first comprehensive guidance document to strengthen the digital health system, and this year it formulated a global health digital health strategy, clarifying strategic goals and action frameworks.

Recently, WHO has also issued a digital implementation investment guide, which provides systematic guidance for countries to implement digital health implementation plans.

  "The above progress reminds us that it is necessary to implement digital health plans at the global national and regional levels. Medical workers and the general public should also participate in the digital health process more directly and effectively." Gao Li said.

  He introduced that at the same time, the WHO also uses digital technology to directly put relevant knowledge into the hands of medical workers around the world.

"We have launched the WHO learning platform to enable medical workers to obtain knowledge about the new crown pneumonia epidemic from the resource library through mobile terminals, helping them to better treat patients and protect themselves."

  "The essence of digital technology and data applications lies in rapid development. Countries need to ensure that digital health governance is flexible and robust, adapting to the latest technologies and ensuring the interests of the general public. Governments should conduct strategic dialogues with digital technology partners to jointly overcome challenges." Gao Li said.
