• Coronavirus.

    "In Naples hospitals 400 anesthetists are needed"


October 30, 2020 In Campania, 400 anesthetists are missing to face the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic,

Giuseppe Servillo, head of intensive care at the Federico II Polyclinic


told Rainews yesterday. 

Today to raise the alarm for the lack of personnel for intensive care is the director of ASl Napoli1.

"I sent a letter to Silvestro Scotti of the Naples medical order to get the list of retired anesthetists. I will call them one by one, we are at war and no one can escape. I will call them personally and ask them if they can come back. in service, they all serve ".

Thus Ciro Verdoliva, general manager of the ASL, outside the San Giovanni Bosco Hospital in Naples, a hospital dedicated only to Covid19.

"We need specialists, first of all anesthesiologists. Today we are launching a call for the recruitment of 20 anesthesiologists, 10 pulmonologists and 10 emergency medical doctors. Our goal is to accompany the complete activation of Covid to Naples. modular center with 72 intensive care places. Today we have 16, next week we aim to open another 16, and the others are ready, can be activated but without anesthetists we cannot open them ", explains Verdoliva.

"We expect - he said - an answer from the anesthetists, it is a call to arms, it is not a request for a contract. Those who do not carry out the activity today because they may be retired, because they have decided not to do it anymore, please take a moment where this country needs you: join, propose, apply with ASL Napoli 1 or with any company in Italy, because you can make a difference ".

Verdoliva stressed that in response to the request for anesthetists made by the Campania Region to civil protection "out of 12 assigned to ASL Napoli 1, 3 arrived and probably another 5 on Monday. Small numbers".