Common test for university entrance exams Ideas for deepening discussions on entrance exams Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology October 30, 12:50

Regarding the university entrance examination, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Hagita answered the entrance examination based on the fact that many negative answers were given to the utilization of the English private examination and the introduction of descriptive questions in the questionnaire for universities nationwide. He expressed his intention to further deepen the discussion on the ideal way of.

Regarding the university entrance examination that will start in January next year, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) postponed the use of private English exams and the introduction of descriptive questions in Japanese and mathematics last year. We conducted a questionnaire in.

As a result, 67% of the respondents were negative about using the English private exam for the university entrance exam, and 84% were negative about the introduction of descriptive questions.

Regarding this, Minister Hagiuda said, "The results show that there are many universities that are aware of the challenges in conducting fair evaluations and accurate scoring for many examinees. Create a system that the public can understand. I would like to do more discussions for this purpose. "

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is considering the ideal way of university entrance examinations by setting up a meeting with university professors and high school officials as members, and hopes to compile recommendations next spring.