, Lhasa, October 29 (Liu Zhidan, Su Wenjiang Feibo) Recently, the Tibet Military Region organized a military aviation brigade to dispatch 2 helicopters to cooperate with the material transportation team to rush to the front of the mountain in heavy snow to transport winter materials to a border defense in the Tibet Military Region A checkpoint in Tuan Motuo.

  "The checkpoint is located in the deep mountain forest at an altitude of about 4000 meters. The annual period of heavy snow closure lasts as long as 6 months." Jiang Fuyang, an instructor of the Metuo Border Guard Model Camp, a border defense regiment of the Tibet Military Region, said that the materials delivered this time mainly include meat, staple and non-staple food , Milk, walnuts, dried fruits, heating equipment, and color steel plates used to repair houses and other materials nearly 25 tons.

An army aviation brigade of the Tibet Military Region sent a helicopter to transport supplies to the border checkpoint.

Photo by Liu Zhidan

  “Due to the large volume and heavy weight of heating equipment and color steel plates, they cannot be transported by humans.” Jiang Fuyang said that every November, the sentinel station enters the snow season, and the necessary supplies need to be transported on foot by humans. The materials have solved the problem of difficult delivery of sentinel materials."

  In view of the lack of Internet access at sentinel sites and the monotonous cultural life of officers and soldiers, the Tibet Military Region has incorporated the "four boxes of field culture" such as recreational boxes, fitness boxes, library boxes, and gongs and drums boxes into the supply category to maximize the spiritual and cultural needs of sentinel officers and soldiers.

The Tibet Military Region has included the "four boxes of field culture" in the category of supplies.

Photo by Li Jintao

  Zou Tianyue, head of the navigation department of an army aviation brigade of the Tibet Military Region, said that the route and terrain leading to the forward post are relatively complicated, with high mountains and deep valleys, and large climate changes. Therefore, they need to fly the "window period" within 3 hours to complete the delivery of materials.

  Seeing that the helicopter full of supplies landed on the temporary apron of the sentry point, the officers and soldiers waiting here began to unload the supplies. The Tibet Military Region successfully completed the mission of delivering supplies to the sentry point on the Medog border.

The supplies were successfully delivered.

Photo by Li Jintao

  It is reported that due to the special climatic environment and complex terrain conditions, in previous years, more than 30 officers and soldiers were required to carry the supplies to the checkpoints above. It took 3 days and multiple times to climb over 3 snow-capped mountains above 4000 meters above sea level, as well as dense forests and cliffs. Only by relay can the task of transporting 600 kilograms of various materials be completed.

  Zhang Fei, a soldier at the checkpoint, said: "The military region not only sent us supplies, but also warmth, and provided protection for our winter duty. We must live up to the burden and guard the frontier line." (End)