"America threatens world security" China Xinhua News Agency begins serialization October 27, 4:15

China's state-owned Xinhua News Agency has begun serializing a series of seven articles stating that "the United States is threatening the security of the world," aiming to curb the Trump administration, which is increasingly criticizing China ahead of the US presidential election. There seems to be.

The title of the article in the series is "The Seven Deadly Sins That America Threatens the Security of the World," and it will be distributed daily from the 26th to November 1st, just before the election day of the US presidential election.

In the first article, regarding US foreign policy, the Iraq War and "Arab Spring" are taken as examples, and "military intervention, economic sanctions, election operations, etc. are used to overthrow the government of a hostile country with ideology. "I've been there," claims the United States as a "specialist" in interfering with domestic affairs and overthrowing the government.

The United States of playing cards administration, such as Ponpeio Secretary of State to condemn as "Xi Jinping Jintao is a believer of the ideology of totalitarianism, which went bankrupt", has intensified criticism of China.

Since the response to China has become an issue in the presidential election and both President Trump and Mr. Biden of the Democratic Party have shown a strict stance toward China, China will write a counter-argument article at the final stage of the election campaign. It seems that the serialization aims to restrain the movement of the United States.