Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons Defense Minister Nobuo Kishi "Questions about effectiveness without the addition of nuclear-weapon states" October 25, 14:53

Regarding the decision to enter into force of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, Minister of Defense Kishi said that the nuclear-weapon states have not participated and the effectiveness is questionable, and the international community including the nuclear-weapon states can agree on the abolition of nuclear weapons. He showed the idea that it is necessary to create an environment.

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which bans the development, possession and use of nuclear weapons, meets the requirements of ratification of 50 countries and regions and will come into effect in January next year.

In Yamaguchi City, where he visited, Minister of Defense Kishi told reporters, "We cannot help but question the effectiveness of the treaty, which does not allow nuclear-weapon states to join."

On top of that, "Japan is the only country that has been bombed, and we must take leadership toward the abolition of nuclear weapons. It is important for countries, including nuclear-weapon states, to show concrete movements toward the abolition, and the international community. We must create an environment in which we can agree. "

Then, while the reporters asked, "Will Japan not sign the treaty?", He only stated that "it will be judged as a country."