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The 46th presidential election (November 3), called the'largest political show on earth', is 10 days ahead. The Republican Party's incumbent US President Donald Trump and the Democratic Party's senator and vice president Joe Biden were each elected presidential candidate.

The presidential election in the United States is famous for putting in huge amounts of funding for elections, which is called a ‘war of money’ In the 2016 presidential election, both Trump and Hillary Clinton campaigns cost over 3 trillion won in total.

Political experts in the U.S. have even predicted that the 2020 U.S. presidential election will be the ``most expensive election of all time,'' but why is the U.S. presidential election so expensive? And who's supporting that lot of campaign funding in what way?

Social Media VideoMug is going to refresh readers' questions about the 2020 US presidential election over the next three times. The first time is about election funds and money.