
24 October 2020

"If we do not change course we risk another 200,000 deaths from Covid": is the warning launched by Joe Biden at an electoral rally in Pennsylvania.

"Trump says you can live with Covid, but in reality you die with Covid here because he doesn't have a plan", he pressed.

"I don't like the idea of ​​all this distance, but it is necessary", "we don't want to become super diffusers" of the coronavirus, is the allusion to the attitude of the rival, who organizes rallies with large numbers of participants, despite the spread of 'epidemic.

Trump will go to North Carolina, Ohio and Wisconsin today, while the United States hit a daily record of new cases, with more than 83,000 infections recorded.

The death toll in the United States has grown to nearly 224,000, according to the Johns Hopkins University tally.

An appointment at the Rose Garden in late September had been labeled as a "super diffuser" of the virus: about twenty people linked to the White House had contracted Covid that day, when Trump announced the candidacy of Amy Coney Barrett as Supreme Court judge .

Biden then returned to the extraction of underground gas.

In the latest TV duel with Trump, the candidate dem committed a half misstep and attempted recovery today.

"I want to be clear, I don't want to ban fracking in Pennsylvania. I want to protect jobs," he said to reassure voters, after Trump used his confused response to accuse him of banning fracking, which is the polluting technique to extract. gas from underground rocks.

"Trump is lying," Biden added (who actually intends to cut federal subsidies for fossil fuels).

Hence, the attack on Trump on the bank account in China.

"He has an account in China and has paid taxes to China fifty times more than those paid to the US. He believes he built the US. But America was built by working-class families, middle-class ones like mine and your".

"There are 10 days left and I believe in Pennsylvania, in my state - he concluded -. The choice has never been so clear and the stakes never so high. These are hard times: unemployment is growing, people are worried about the next installment. mortgage, run out of health care in the midst of a pandemic, worry about not sending your children to school, and about sending them. They see who is richer get better. This is the Trump presidency. "