US President Donald Trump on the challenge of re-election finished pre-voting in Florida on the 24th local time.

President Trump pre-voted on the morning of the 24th at a polling place opposite his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida.

President Trump told reporters after voting, "I voted for a man named Trump."

"It's a very safe vote. It's much safer than a vote by mail," Reuters reported, saying that votes by mail are more vulnerable to fraudulent elections.

Florida is home to President Trump's address, with 29 members at stake, the largest of the six contenders for this year's presidential election.

This is a match that Trump must win if he wants to succeed in re-election.

President Trump made two campaigns here the day before.

According to the election website RealClearpolitics, Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is currently 3.8 percentage points ahead of President Trump in six race states, while Florida's lead is only 1.5 percentage points.

In the 2016 presidential election, President Trump won the Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton with a difference of 1.2 percentage points.

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is said to be voting on-site in Delaware, where he resides on November 3, the day of the election.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)